Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I think I have finally figured this blogging thing out! I have never done this before, and I think I was starting at the wrong point every time. Instead of adding to my blog I was creating a new one each time, forgive me. I had a little free time this morning so I thought I would look around and see if I could figure it out, and I think I have. I am off now to clean the basement which is actually the kids playroom, it is a disaster, there are toys everywhere!

Thanks for being patient with me, hopefully I will make things easier on both myself and everyone else reading these blogs.

Until next time-

Monday, March 5, 2007

The Week-end

I have been quite sad since I last wrote, it was the first time I had written into words about Peter. I started a journal back when he was first diagnosed so the kids could have a better understanding of the journey when they got older. The last time I wrote in it was when we were in the hospital waiting for him to die, I haven't picked it up since. I am doing better today, I got some housework done. If I let one day go by without picking up, this house looks like a tornado hit, so I had my work cut out for me. I also got caught up with the laundry, I can go every other day doing wash, if I go three days I am swamped with dirty clothes. I think it's time for some laughter so I'm going to share a story about Helen. I recently had her IEP meeting with her teacher and therapists. We had just gotten a lot of snow that day so the playground hadn't gotten cleared yet. Helen loves to go down the slide, she could do it for hours! She was wearing a brand new outfit she had gotten for Christmas, it fit nicely around her stomach but the length, once again, was an issue. It wasn't as long as some of the other pants she has so I thought she looked quite spiffy! I didn't pack her snow pants because I thought it was too cold for them to go outside, it was in the twenties. Come to find out they go outside unless it's below ten degrees, my other kids don't go outside if it's below thirty. Once Helen got outside there was no stopping her, the teachers tried, she insisted on going down the slide. It didn't matter to her that there was a ton of snow on it, she went down it anyway and cleared the snow off with her butt. They told me she did this for a good ten minutes before they finally were able to get her inside. Once she was in the school and had taken her boots off they noticed her pants had grown, about three sizes!! They were so wet and weighed down that the legs were trailing behind her for a good two feet!!! I have since packed her snow pants every single day, no matter what the weather.

Robbie's week-end was packed with birthday parties, on Saturday he was at Chuck E. Cheese and on Sunday he was bowling. Sunday night he was a bear, too much stimulation for the big guy, but you're only kid once and he had a blast. We all went to Mass on Saturday, Helen had the giggles, thank goodness we were in the family room. Although I must say even in there I get looks from people, like I can't control my kids. We are in the family room, it's called that for a reason! If they knew my story maybe they would be more forgiving, shame on them, at least I take my kids to church. There is one couple especially, they have one child who looks to be about two. Well, of course he is better behaved he has two parents watching over him, I would like to see either one of them take on six kids by themselves! It's not so easy!! Helen is learning the Lord's Prayer in sign language so it's exciting to see her recognize the prayer when we are in church.

I have received more help from people so I really need to write thank you notes and it's getting late.

Until next time-